



在本次的台北電玩展,讓所有海賊迷們期待的《航海王 海賊無雙3》正式於台北電玩展發表中文化將於 2015 年 5 月上市,在製作人於舞台介紹完,也正式接受台灣媒體訪問。

大家最關心的問題,就是本次《航海王 海賊無雙3》是否會忠於原著。製作人鯉沼久史表示:「當初一代是忠實呈現原作故事,但給人感覺不是無雙遊戲而是一般的動作遊戲,因此再推出二代時,就思考到但要用無雙的模式來呈現航海王不容易,因此用原創的劇情來做遊戲。到了三代,我們希望可以融合原作與無雙的玩法,因此以無雙的體驗感來做故事,這也導致三代的開發時間變長。但我們要以融合無雙的優點和重視劇情的成分,來超越一代,並能在爽快感上有更大的提升」。



在系統的進化上, PS4 版最大的特徵,就是會支援 Share 分享功能。而全新的羈絆動作系統,是讓玩家一個人遊玩的時候有並肩作戰的感覺,因此是單人遊玩專用的,兩人一起玩是沒有辦法使用。



最後媒體也問到,高人氣的《航海王》是否會配合《航海王 海賊無雙3》推出限定版主機,只見兩位製作人面對面看了一下後露出神秘笑容,表示這部分目前也還不能多說,也請玩家們持續關注。


By Cheng Hung-ta and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporter, with staff writerThe Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) yesterday moved to cut this year’s budget for the Ministry of the Interior’s National Conscription Agency by NT$8.23 million (US$259,605) for what the party called the ministry’s failure to discipline socialist campaigner Chen Wei-ting (陳為廷) when he was serving as a conscript.In April last year, former Sunflower movement leader Chen refused to bow to a portrait of Republic of China founder Sun Yat-sen (孫逸仙) during a conclusion ceremony at the Chenggong Ling (成功嶺) training camp in Taichung.He was not disciplined by the National Conscription Agency, the KMT said.The agency’s budget should be cut because it failed to uphold discipline in Chen’s case last year, KMT Legislator Yang Cheng-wu (楊鎮浯) said, adding that Chen’s actions were a clear breach of military rules and regulations.According to Yang’s proposal, the agency would lose funding for its educational and vocational programs for conscripts performing civilian alternative service, as well as funds covering other administrative costs in the program, such as stipends for lecturers and rent for venues.The KMT has proposed more than 1,000 motions in connection with the unfinished general budget review for this fiscal year, not including motions that were withdrawn after negotiations.Democratic Progress Party (DPP) Legislator Lee Chun-yi (李俊俋) criticized the move on Facebook.“To boycott the general budget review for the 2017 fiscal year, the KMT has proposed thousands of ludicrous motions to stall negotiations,” Lee wrote.The motions include a proposal to cut the budget for fire-alarm systems in public residential projects servicing disadvantaged groups, Lee said.“Attending meetings with these people is a trial of patience and wisdom. The extraordinary session is ongoing and we will pass this trial,” Lee added.Legislative Speaker Su Jia-chyuan (蘇嘉全) convened a legislative session yesterday in the hope that KMT lawmakers would reconsider “delaying motions” which had stonewalled passing of the budget review, adding that the review must be passed tomorrow if the government is to rubber stamp a budget before the Lunar New Year holiday.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES





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